DELIVERING ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN MANUFACTURING – 10 November 2021, 11:00-12:00 EMA Live Virtual Event

Energy Efficiency In Manufacturing Workshop 101121 529x298
Energy Efficiency In Manufacturing Workshop 101121 529x298

Workshop Logo 1 422x196DELIVERING ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN MANUFACTURING – 10 November 2021, 11:00-12:00 EMA Live Virtual Event 

In this workshop Ethan O’Brien, Group Energy Manager at Klöckner Pentaplast will present the organisation’s approach to delivering energy efficiency across multiple sites in a manufacturing environment.

Ethan will draw on his experience of clearly defining a project team and their objectives, implementing tailored energy action plans, working with energy champions in an international cross-cultural environment, and creating a toolkit for each facility across the business.

Questions will be welcome after the workshop.