Interest Form: LEC 1 Energy Awareness Course

Lec1 Shot2 Zoomed In CroppedThe Low Energy Company (LEC) 1 training course is the first stepping stone in embedding energy efficiency training within organisational practices and establishing it as a national standard across all industries.

The LEC 1 training focuses on raising employees awareness about their energy use. Upon completion of the course candidate will know:

  • What and how much energy is used in the workplace
  • How that energy use can be assessed
  • Their own role using energy more efficiently
  • Reducing unnecessary energy use in the workplace

The Low Energy Company (LEC) training will help organisations to strengthen their commitment to strategically decrease energy consumption and ultimately energy cost. Training employees will contribute to increasing their productivity and have a positive impact on organisation’s profitability.

By completing the course employees will gain a useful and transferable skills that can be applied in workplace as well as in domestic environment.

Organisations training a significant proportion of their employees in LEC 1 course will be awarded LEC Bronze, Silver or Gold status.

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