Serving Energy Management Professionals
Improving the standing of the Energy Management profession. Establishing best-practice in Energy Management. Putting Energy Management at the heart of British business
Membership & Profession
EMA Membership is open to all but only those who work or have worked in the field of energy and carbon management will be entitled to be approved as Members or Associates.
Energy Management Training
Our comprehensive energy management training courses will increase your skills, help you understand your energy use and put it at the heart of your organisation.
Our publications range from our topical News, energy management case studies, quarterly EMA Magazine, and Energy Managers’ Guides providing you with a comprehensive introduction to various energy efficient technologies.
Energy Management Courses
Explore comprehensive energy management training courses that offer essential technical knowledge and practical solutions to some of the most important challenges faced by energy management professionals.
Become a member of the Energy Managers Association
Energy Managers perform essential roles in ensuring an organisation meets its energy, carbon & water reduction responsibilities within the context of wider sustainability. Whether you are new to energy management or up-skilling, take the first steps to becoming a fully skilled energy manager with the EMA Knowledge and Skills' Gap Analysis Interview.
membership levels
EMA members
joint energy spend

Professional organisation for Energy Managers
The Energy Managers Association (EMA) was set up in February 2012 and represents Energy Managers across all industries. Our priority is to improve the position of energy management experts and their profession and act as their united voice. We aim to develop the skills, knowledge and experience of professionals through our training, high-quality peer to peer guidance and best practice exchange.
The Industry
Put Energy Management at the heart of British Business.
The Professionals
Improvement of the stand of the Energy Management profession and those working with it.
The Career
Establishement of best practice in Energy Management industry

Policy Development
Energy Efficiency Policy Development: BEIS, OFWAT, OFGEM, European Commission

Standards & Training
Training Courses, Training Standards and Programmes: Low Energy Company (LEC) Initiative; Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) Lead Assessor; Schools' Course; SECR Compliance Course

Events & Engagements
Membership Engagement: Weekly Workshops, Members' meetings, Topical Conferences, Working Groups, Empowering Women in Energy Management Group
Become an EMA Corporate Patron
The Energy Managers Association (EMA) corporate Patronage opportunities are open to a selected number of organisations that have relevance to energy management and to professionals working within this sector. The Patronage opportunities are effective ways to invest in the future of your business and to gain the profile that your organisation deserves.