With knowledge exchange and best practice promotion being EMA objectives, our team’s output on this page will enhance your understanding of energy management, energy efficiency policy, regulation and energy efficient technology
Our publications range from our topical News, energy management case studies, bi-monthly EMA Magazine, and Energy Managers’ Guides providing you with a comprehensive introduction to various energy efficient technologies.
If you have any knowledge gaps, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will aim to provide resources to suit your needs. In addition, we can create bespoke publications that provide energy management intelligence to your staff or clients, with content tailored to suit individual circumstances.

The EMA Magazine
Covering news & features related to energy management, sustainability & environment.
issues a year

ESH Group demonstrates the benefits of ISO 50001
Overview Esh Group is one of the UK’s leading construction companies operating in the North of England, Central and Southern Scotland With a group turnover approaching £300...

Aberystwyth University Aims for Carbon Neutrality by 2030
Introduction Established in 1872, Aberystwyth University has around 8,000 students and 2,000 staff It was awarded University of the Year for Teaching Quality in The Sunday Times Good University...

Growing Sustainability Ambitions at University of Reading
The University With an annual utilities bill of £62 million across 470 buildings and 393,000 m2 floor space, effectively managing energy and water at the University of Reading is both constantly...

Heat Decarbonisation at University Hospitals Bristol and Weston
Introduction University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust (UHBW) has a workforce of over 13,000 staff and delivers over 100 different clinical services across 10 different...

Moto Hospitality Ltd achieves 38% energy and cost savings in first year
Moto Hospitality Ltd & Future Motors 38% energy and cost savings in first year ROI in less than three years And that was just the beginning Providing travellers with a safe place to eat, rest...

Corpus Christi College’s EcoSync-Driven Transformation in Energy Efficiency
Corpus Christi College's EcoSync-Driven Transformation in Energy Efficiency Organisation's Background: Corpus Christi College, a prestigious institution within the University of Oxford, manages an...
Energy Management Guides
In order to provide energy management professionals with some basic information and guidance on a variety of energy management topics, including best practices, energy efficient products and technologies, the EMA and representatives from relevant industries have produced the following Guides.