The 2015 EMA Private Sector Energy Management Awards Shortlist announced

The 2015 EMA Private Sector Energy Management Awards Shortlist announced The EMA Private Sector Energy Management Awards shortlist includes excellent representation of energy management and it celebrates energy managers, energy management projects, products, services and companies across many sectors. The winners and highly commended will be announced and presented with a certificate at EMA Private […]

Jack (or Jackie) of all trades.

Jack (or Jackie) of all trades. by Wendi Wheeler, Energy and Carbon Strategy Manager at Network Rail It’s not like public service, medicine, or the forces.  When children are little, they decide they want to be a fireman, a doctor, a soldier.  As they grow up, their aspirations might change as they mature into young adults […]

Launch of the EMA 40:20:40 Energy Efficiency Ratio

Launch of the EMA 40:20:40 Energy Efficiency Ratio Energy efficiency is often seen as a process of replacing inefficient products with efficient products; however this seems a simple view of a complex problem. A simple ratio has been adopted by the Energy Managers Association (EMA) as a guide to understanding how energy efficiency can be […]

ESOS Compliance Deadline – Go figure

ESOS Compliance Deadline – Go figure The original rapidly looming ESOS compliance deadline on the 5th December must mean that your schedule is becoming more hectic as your workload increases. However, the latest ESOS Newsletter  of the Environment Agency (EA) suggests that whilst the compliance date remains set for early December, penalties’ enforcement action for […]

HM Treasury Consultation – Business Energy Efficiency Taxation Review

Business Energy Efficiency Taxation Review  Yesterday, HM Treasury has launched a consultation seeking views and evidence on proposals to reform the business energy efficiency tax landscape and associated regulations, including the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme and Climate Change Agreements, and energy and carbon reporting including links to the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme. In the summer the […]