Parthena Exizidou

Parthena Exizidou

Parthena (Nopi) Exizidou

Net Zero Transition Lead at the British Antarctic Survey (BAS)

Nopi is an engineer by background with more than 13 years of experience on energy efficiency, carbon reduction and wider sustainability. At BAS, Nopi led the development of the Net Zero Carbon Strategy and Strategic Delivery Plan. She is leading the BAS Net Zero team and chairs the BAS Decarbonisation Management group with a special focus on carbon reduction from BAS Infrastructure, Transport and Logistics and Supply Chain.

Part of her role is to drive positive and sustainable change through influential leadership at all levels of the organisation. Her special interest is in innovative technologies and systems such as renewable technology, automation and Digital Twins that can change the way science is delivered in Antarctica and accelerate the low carbon transition. Nopi is also responsible for identifying and managing strategic to Net Zero transition risks and opportunities.

As a carbon and sustainability expert, Nopi sits on a number of external groups such as the Greater Cambridge Design Review Panel, the Net Zero Delivery Group at the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and the Energy Managers Association's Steering Group.